var contenturls1715805143299 = new Array("" ,"48443943/48443943peevee297113" ,"48443943/48443943peevee271870" ); var contenttitles1715805143299 = new Array("" ,"VASER特殊デザイン彫刻脂肪吸引 6パック(6つに割れた腹直筋)" ,"Kunoクリニック VASER全顔面脂肪吸引&上下口唇脂肪注入" ); var peevee_player_height = 425; var peevee_player_width = 496; //ライトボックスで動画を再生する関数 function showMovie(contenturls,contenttitles,x){ var contenturl =contenturls[x] + '.flv'; var contenttitle =contenttitles[x]; GB_show(contenttitle, '' + contenturl, peevee_player_height,peevee_player_width); } document.write(''); //GreyBox configuration //Use animation? var GB_ANIMATION = true; var GB_IMG_DIR = ""; //Clicking on the transparent overlay closes the GreyBox window? var GB_overlay_click_close = true; //Demo change headline - look more in demoiframe //$ function is like getElementById function changeHeadline(text){ AJS.getElement('headline').innerHTML = text; } document.write(''); document.write('
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