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短すぎる電車 World's Shortest Train

こんな短い電車、乗ったことがないです! I have never got on such a short train. 詳細はわかりませんが、おそらく東急池上線だと思います。だってここは池上線の池上駅そばの踏切だし。どうかこれを見た鉄ヲタの人に「許しま線!」とおこられま線ように...。どうもすみま線。 YouTube

投稿者:サイト名 へんてこネット
投稿日時:2012-02-13 00:47:20.0
カテゴリ: 国内旅行   お笑い   電車  
タグ: おすすめ動画   人気の動画   話題の動画   新着動画   Xacti   SH11   鉄道   train   東急   池上線   池上駅   world'srecord   world's   record   news   世界記録   ギネス   へんてこネット   ever   trains   railway   railroad   ジョーク   joke   コメディ   バラエティ   面白   おもしろ   バカ   世界一   世界一短い電車   テレビ朝日   トリハダ秘スクープ映像100科ジテン   なるほどハイスクール   なるほど!ハイスクール   なるほどHS   日本テレビ   AKB   AKB48   NMB48   TBS   サンデージャポン   爆笑問題   サンジャポ  



The World's Smallest Digital Single Lens Camera PENTAX Q. 世界最小ナノ一眼「ペンタックスQ」を購入しました。ちょっとしたお出かけにも、荷物が多くなりがちな出張や旅行の際にも、『一眼』を気軽に持ち歩けるというのは良いこ­とですね。

投稿者:サイト名 mainichi
投稿日時:2011-09-16 10:57:25.0
カテゴリ: 全国   ニュース・天気   ニュース・天気  
タグ: PENTAX   ナノ一眼   ペンタックス     世界最小   nano-SLR   nano-DSL   digital   single   lens   DSLR   デジイチ   ミラーレス   mirrorless   デジタル一眼   一眼レフ   デジカメ   smallest   nano   写真   photo   picture   movie   video   ビデオ   動画   マイクロ一眼   PENTAX   Q   作例   01   STANDARD   PRIME   01   STANDARD   PRIME   F1.9   スタンダードプライム   標準レンズ   HOYA   RICOH   リコー   ホヤ   ペンタ   レビュー   review   digital   camera   コンデジ   world's   smallest  


(4/4)No more Hiroshima, Nagasaki. Pearl Harbor once again!

65 years ago today was Monday. At 8:15 am, the Enola Gay dropped the world's first atomic bomb on the center of Hiroshima which had a population of 350,000. We should focus attention on the day and time when Ameirca dropped the atomic bomb. 8:15 am. and Monday morning... Why did the Enola Gay carry out the world's first atomic bombing at 8:15 a.m.? Why did the Enola Gay drop the atomic bomb on Monday morning? American Army knew Japanese schools held morning meetings on Monday morning. 8:15 on Monday was the time that schools started morning meetings. American Army knew school children would round up in schoolyards for morning meetings at 8:15 am. Therefore, American Army set the time of dropping the world's first atomic bomb at 8:15 am, on Monday, August 6th. For what? To kill Japanese school children efficiently and to crush all hope in Japan's future. Some people, especially Americans say,"The atomic bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima ended the war. These two atomic bombs saved millions of lives that whould have been lost through a long lasting war." This is delusive sophistry to justify America's hideous crime against humanity. The people who believe that these two atomic bombs ended the war should realize that America prolonged the war intending to drop atomic bombs on Japanese cities by presenting unacceptable terms of surrender against Japan. The people who believe that these two atomic bombs ended the war should realize that there are rules even during wartime. America's atomic bombing obviously violated the Hague Convention that prohibited attacks on civilians. The people who believe that these two atomic bombs ended the war should realize that there are many people who still suffer atomic-bomb disease now, 65 years after the war. Atomic bombing is the worst war crime against humanity in human history. But American Presidents has never once visited Hiroshima or Nagasaki. No more Hiroshima, No more Nagasaki. Pearl Harbor once again!

投稿者:サイト名 shukenkaifuku1
投稿日時:2010-08-06 20:41:26.0
カテゴリ: 事件・事故   イベント   ニュース全般  
タグ: 主権回復を目指す会   【公式】   米国   アメリカ   原爆   戦争犯罪   atomic   bomb   Hiroshima   Nagasaki   Enola   Gay   西村修平   村田春樹   有門大輔   金子吉晴   まきやすとも   TAMAGAWABOAT  



The World First Robot! Designed for manufacture to test the golf clubs and balls for performance and durability. Current robots are usingthe PC to control the Arm and Wrist to create the swing of the golfer. The newly developed the Robo 10 has a Upper body control. The Upper body rotation create nearly perfect copy of the human swing. All of commands can be easily input by touching or writing on the Touch Panel.

投稿者:サイト名 nk00110321
投稿日時:2010-02-18 14:35:43.0
カテゴリ: スポーツ全般   商品紹介   ゴルフ      
タグ: Golf   Golf   Club   Golf   Ball   Golf   World's   First   Robot   Robo  


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