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(4/4)No more Hiroshima, Nagasaki. Pearl Harbor once again!

65 years ago today was Monday. At 8:15 am, the Enola Gay dropped the world's first atomic bomb on the center of Hiroshima which had a population of 350,000. We should focus attention on the day and time when Ameirca dropped the atomic bomb. 8:15 am. and Monday morning... Why did the Enola Gay carry out the world's first atomic bombing at 8:15 a.m.? Why did the Enola Gay drop the atomic bomb on Monday morning? American Army knew Japanese schools held morning meetings on Monday morning. 8:15 on Monday was the time that schools started morning meetings. American Army knew school children would round up in schoolyards for morning meetings at 8:15 am. Therefore, American Army set the time of dropping the world's first atomic bomb at 8:15 am, on Monday, August 6th. For what? To kill Japanese school children efficiently and to crush all hope in Japan's future. Some people, especially Americans say,"The atomic bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima ended the war. These two atomic bombs saved millions of lives that whould have been lost through a long lasting war." This is delusive sophistry to justify America's hideous crime against humanity. The people who believe that these two atomic bombs ended the war should realize that America prolonged the war intending to drop atomic bombs on Japanese cities by presenting unacceptable terms of surrender against Japan. The people who believe that these two atomic bombs ended the war should realize that there are rules even during wartime. America's atomic bombing obviously violated the Hague Convention that prohibited attacks on civilians. The people who believe that these two atomic bombs ended the war should realize that there are many people who still suffer atomic-bomb disease now, 65 years after the war. Atomic bombing is the worst war crime against humanity in human history. But American Presidents has never once visited Hiroshima or Nagasaki. No more Hiroshima, No more Nagasaki. Pearl Harbor once again!

投稿者:サイト名 shukenkaifuku1
投稿日時:2010-08-06 20:41:26.0
カテゴリ: 事件・事故   イベント   ニュース全般  
タグ: 主権回復を目指す会   【公式】   米国   アメリカ   原爆   戦争犯罪   atomic   bomb   Hiroshima   Nagasaki   Enola   Gay   西村修平   村田春樹   有門大輔   金子吉晴   まきやすとも   TAMAGAWABOAT  


Lia 1st Concert LIVEDVD extra movie~Digest~

9月17日(月・祝)Zepp Tokyoで開催されるLia COLLECTION LIVE★祝!期間限定スペシャルO.A!!Lia 1st Concert Lia's Cafe Prologue”at Shibuya O-East 2005.1.28 LIVEDVD[期間限定:2005.6/24~9/23] にて配信されたextra movie~Digest~を一挙公開♪さぁ~Liaの生の歌声をライブ会場で体感しよう!~9/17敬老の日はZepp Tokyoに集合♪開場17時、開演18時前売4,500円、当日5,000円、1ドリンク代別途500円

投稿者:サイト名 liablog
投稿日時:2007-09-14 06:01:00.0
カテゴリ: イベント   映像作品   音楽   ゲーム   お笑い   ビジネス全般    
タグ: 9月17日   Zepp   Tokyo   Lia   COLLECTION   LIVE   開場17時   開演18時   前売チケット4   500円   当日チケット5   000円   1ドリンク代別途500円   Lia   1st   Concert   Lia's   Cafe   Prologue”at   Shibuya   O-East   extra   movie~Digest~   Ana   (ゲーム・劇場版・TVアニメ「CLANNAD」挿入歌/「CLANNAD   Original   Soundtrack」)   Last   regrets   ~acoustic   version~   Spica   (Key+Lia   Maxi   Single「Spica   /   Hanabi   /   Moon」)   nostalgia   (Key+Lia   Maxi   Single「Natsukage/nostalgia」)   あなたがいるだけで   prismatic   queens   label   .   getting   started   gift  


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